Situated on a flat, sheltered plateau, 22 kilometres south-west of the Whangarei CBD
  • Call 09 4323290

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get the relevant information before ‘buying in’ to a village?

Upon request you may receive a copy of the following:

  • Disclosure Statement
  • Occupation Right Agreement
  • Code of Residents’ Rights
  • Code of Practise

You can also ask for copies of the:

  • Deed of Supervision
  • Current Audited Accounts

It must contain an extensive amount of information, including the:

  • Cooling off period after you sign the contract
  • Ingoing contribution payable
  • Exit fee payable
  • Resident’s capital gain entitlement
  • Services charges
  • Amounts payable into the maintenance fund
  • Resident’s rights
  • Dispute resolution process
  • Rights to terminate the contract.

There is plenty of information available, but they are for your knowledge and peace of mind.

What is an “Occupation Right Agreement”?

An Occupation Right Agreement entitles a resident to occupy a unit or house for their and their spouse’s lifetime (subject to certain rights of termination detailed in the Agreement), together with the right to use buildings and facilities intended for common use.

Who is the Statutory Supervisor and what is their role?

The Statutory Supervisor is Anchorage Trustee Services Ltd Christchurch based company who acts for numerous retirement villages throughout New Zealand. The Statutory Supervisor role includes receiving all monies from residents, overseeing the management and development of the village, reporting to residents and answering any questions they may have about the village operation. The Statutory Supervisor represents the residents.

Will I receive a capital gain when I leave?

Yes the capital gain of your unit/house will be received by you – less the site fee AND we will not charge you a deferred management fee. The capital gain (or loss) is yours.

Are there any special requirements to become a resident?

At the time of entry, applicants generally need to be over 60 years of age and be able to cope with the day to day running of their accommodation.

What costs will I pay?

  • The purchase price of your unit/house;
  • The Weekly Fee. At present, this is set at $161.74 per week and covers costs for:
    • Council rates
    • Water rates,
    • Building insurance,
    • Upkeep of the community facilities,
    • Lawns Grounds Maintenance
    • Salary of the staff.
  • Your own personal expenses, e.g., food, power, contents insurance.

Who is responsible for paying the cost of insurance premiums in the village?

The weekly service fee includes all insurance premiums with the exception of your normal household contents insurance. Residents are therefore required to insure their own personal effects.

Who is responsible for the cost of general and water rates?

The weekly service fee includes general and water rates.

Who pays for the maintenance of the village?

External and Internal maintenance, repairs and maintenance of appliances provided in the homes is the resident’s responsibility.

Are there any limitations to resident’s being absent from the village?

In short – NO! At Stonehaven residents live in their own homes and come and go as they please for as long as they please. We do ask that you advise management in writing if your absence is greater than three months. Payment of the service fee must be maintained as these costs continue on regardless of your absence.

Can we have guests stay with us?

Most certainly you can! This is your home. Friends and family are welcome to stay with you in your home for a reasonable period of time. We will ask you to remind your guests to have consideration for the other residents and not to disturb their ability to enjoy the village.

Can I bring my campervan?

Yes, you can.